The Patrons of Ardscoil Mhuire, and St. Joseph’s College, Garbally, Ballinasloe have announced that, following a comprehensive consultation with all stakeholders, an application is to be submitted to the Department of Education to amalgamate both post-primary schools into a newly formed school which will open in September 2025.
The project will involve the coming together of the existing secondary schools– to form a new, Catholic Voluntary Secondary School for all the boys and girls of the area. In the planning for this new school, the distinctive history and tradition of both existing schools will be preserved and promoted under the joint patronage of CEIST and the Diocese of Clonfert. Planning will involve the provision of state-of-the-art facilities to cater for a broad range of educational opportunities in a co -educational environment.
Following the approval of the Department of Education for the amalgamation, a Steering Committee will be appointed to manage the process. This committee will be representative of trustees, staff and parents and chaired by Mr. Frank Smith, educational advisor.