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“Join the Conversation”: Synodal Pathway Online Survey on the Future of our Faith Communities

As part of the Universal Synod, Pope Francis has asked all Dioceses throughout the world to hold conversations about how we live out the Christian faith day in, day out in our local faith communities and parishes. His hope is that this will mark the beginning of a new way of creating living communities of faith that endeavour to discern what God wants of them today. Responsive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, they are vibrant, inviting, and ever reaching out to bring the life-giving Gospel to others.

Taking an idea from the early church, Pope Francis uses the word Synodality to describe this way of being church. The word Synod comes from a Greek word meaning walking together or journeying together while all the time listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit and endeavouring to discern together as a faith community where God wants to lead his people at this time. To learn more about the Synodal Pathway see

In the Diocese of Clonfert we have already had a series of meetings of priests and parishioners and have received some initial feedback. We invite everyone resident in the Diocese of Clonfert to complete this short survey. The responses to this survey will inform our submission as a Diocese to the Universal Synod. They will also provide invaluable learning for the Diocese and its Parishes.. The online survey is now closed – thank you sincerely to all who took the time to complete it.