Colm Allman CC
Parishes: Ballinasloe Tel: +353 9096 43916 E-mail office: stmichaelsballinasloe@clonfertdiocese.ie
Seamus Bohan PP Moderator
Parishes: Tynagh & Killeen, Duniry & Abbey Tel: +353 9097 45113 E-mail office: tynaghkilleen@clonfertdiocese.ie
Michael Byrnes PP Moderator JV
Parishes: Portumna, Fahy & Quansboro Tel: +353 9097 41092 E-mail office: pp.portumna@clonfertdiocese.ie
Joe Clarke Retired

Pat Conroy PP
Parishes: Ballinakill & Derrybrien Tel: +353 9097 45021 E-mail office: ballinakillderrybrien@clonfertdiocese.ie
Aidan Costello CC
Parishes: Loughrea Tel: +353 91 841212 E-mail office: cathedral@clonfertdiocese.ie
Bernie Costello Chaplain CC Moderator
Parishes: Ballinasloe, Lawrencetown & Kiltormer Tel: +353 9096 44360 E-mail office: stmichaelsballinasloe@clonfertdiocese.ie
Iomar Daniels PP VF EV
Parishes: Leitrim & Ballydugan Tel: +353 91 841758 E-mail office: leitrimballydugankilmeen@clonfertdiocese.ie

Sean Egan Retired

Michael Finneran PP
Parishes: Clontuskert Tel: +353 9096 42256 E-mail office: clontuskert@clonfertdiocese.ie
Benny Flanagan Retired

Niall Foley PP
Parishes: Mullagh & Killoran Tel: +353 91 843119 E-mail office: mullaghkilloran@clonfertdiocese.ie
John Garvey PP
Parishes: Ballinasloe Tel: +353 9096 43916 E-mail office: stmichaelsballinasloe@clonfertdiocese.ie
Cathal Geraghty PP VG
Parishes: Loughrea, Kiltullagh, Killimordaly & Clooncagh, Kilnadeema & Aille Tel: +353 91 841212 E-mail office: cathedral@clonfertdiocese.ie
Gerard Geraghty PP
Parishes: Aughrim & Kilconnell Tel: +353 96 73724 E-mail office: aughrimkilconnell@clonfertdiocese.ie

Pat Kenny PP
Parishes: New Inn & Bullaun Tel: +353 9096 75819 E-mail office: newinnbullaun@clonfertdiocese.ie
John Kirby Bishop Emeritus PP
Parishes: Cappatagle & Kilrickle Tel: +353 91 843017 E-mail office: cappykilrickle@clonfertdiocese.ie
Ciaran Kitching PP
Parishes: Killimor & Tiranascragh Tel: +353 9096 76151 E-mail office: killimortiernascragh@clonfertdiocese.ie
Brendan Lawless PP
Parishes: Clostoken & Kilconieran Tel: +353 91 841103 E-mail office: closkilparish@clonfertdiocese.ie
Christy McCormack PP
Parishes: Fohenagh & Killure Tel: +353 9096 88623 E-mail office: fohenaghkillure@clonfertdiocese.ie
Declan McInerney PP Rector
Parishes: Eyrecourt, Clonfert & Meelick (Shrine of Our Lady of Clonfert) Tel: +353 909675113 E-mail office: stbrenseyrecourt@clonfertdiocese.ie
Martin McNamara Retired
Parishes: Kiltullagh, Killimordaly & Clooncagh Tel: +353 91 848021 E-mail office: kiltullaghkillimorday@clonfertdiocese.ie
John Naughton Retired

Sean Neylon PP
Parishes: Taughmaconnell Tel: +353 9096 83929 E-mail office: taughmaconnell@clonfertdiocese.ie

Kieran O'Rourke PP VF
Parishes: Woodford & Looscaun Tel: +353 9097 49100 E-mail office: woodfordlooscaun@clonfertdiocese.ie
Sean Slattery Retired